Now that you have built out your Buyer Personas you can begin to set goals for your Content Marketing Program. There are 3 goals you should have for your business, Cost-Saving Goals, Campaign Goals and Business-growth goals. Let's break these down!
You're working toward a goal Right NOW
You're already working on your Cost-Saving Goals by following my blog because I'm giving away free tips and resources. To spell it out, Cost-Saving Goals are goals you set to keep your costs of doing business low. When setting these goals this is where resourcefulness kicks in. You'd be surprised how resourceful you can be when you have to be.
Business-growth goals should be where and what you want your business to be and have achieved after a set amount of time.
Possible goals could be:
We will sell #s of our products by [fill in a date]
We will increase our web visitors by X%.
We will increase revenue by X% by the end of Q1
You want to set Business-Growth Goals first because your Campaign Goals should support your these goals. They should be the avenue that help you accomplish these goals.
What Will Your Content Do
Again, your Campaign Goals should coincide with your Business-Growth Goals. So, you want to make sure that you pick platforms that will help guide your audience to your sales funnel and make them customers. You should consider questions such as:
We will help our customers to _______ by starting an Instagram account
We will make it easy for our customers to know __________ because of our blog
We will answer our customers questions using ____________________________
We will engage with our customers everyday using _________________________
When setting these goals it's important to know what platforms are best for what. Which platform has the most people in your target audience? Which type of content is most successful and trending at the time? It's also important to know your band-width (what it is you can actually accomplish on your own). What platform can I easily maintain and how?
Setting goals are important for content marketing. I hear it all the time, "I've created all this content and no one is buying my stuff," "why are people liking my posts but no one is buying," or better yet "nobody is liking my posts after I've created all this content." Goal-setting is not a step that should be skipped, to do that is like walking outside with no particular place to go. Sure you're outside and people see you but what the purpose?
Have you set goals for your content, if so share some below.