Hopefully you have decided to start the new year off by making a deeper commitment to your business by deciding to seriously develop a marketing strategy. A couple of years ago, I discovered that though I had a clear view of my target audience I needed to focus more on my niche. Analyzing my year-end results I realized that though I have a great and loyal audience, the majority did not fit my desired criteria for clients. I was able to gain more insight and develop a clearer strategy, one that further incorporated my niche. This was just one example of ways I got clearer on my marketing strategy. As a content creator, sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees with all the ins and outs of our day-to-day tasks. It is necessary to really get a clear focus on your content strategy and to begin the restructuring process if you are not seeing the results you want.
Start Clear, Start Strong
Here are some resource that can help you get clear on your content strategy
Get clear on your customer needs - check out 5 Way to Find Out What Your Audience Needs
Declare your content purpose - grab the Content Mission Statement Template
Plan out your content - grab the Bubblin' to the Bank Playbook
Clarity is a must
Making the decision to market your business can feel overwhelming and even a bit scary. But some of your stress can be reduced my starting out with a clear view of what content your creating, for who and why. Content creation should be done with careful planning and execution. You should have a very clear idea of who your target audience is, what they need and how you are going to fulfill that need. Random acts of marketing (RAM) will not yield the results you desire, nor is it sustainable, take the time to get clear is worth the work.
Do you need more clarity in your business? Let me know in the comments or Sign up for my What's Bubblin' Weekly newsletter and gain access to free resources and advice from a seasoned professional. Be sure to follow me on social media!